
如果核查网站/客户端/社交账号中存在以下问题,请打勾,同时具体说明问题表现并相关链接。如果未出现相关问题,则无需标注。If you find the following problems in the website/app/social media account please tick the box, specify the manifestation of the problem, and attach a link of its post. If there is no related problem, do not need to mark it down.

内容问题发现 Problem Finding

选题 About Topic Selection

1.选题不利于听众(尤其是青少年)的身心健康发展 The selected topic is not good for the physical and mental health of the listeners , especially teenagers

2.选题危害中国/当地国两国尊严和利益 The selected topic endangers the dignity and interests of China or the local Country

3.选题亵渎或侵害中国/当地国两国文化和风俗 The selected topic defiles or violates the culture and custom traditions of China or the local Country

4.新闻资讯类选题未契合当下热点话题 The selected topic of news information does not match with recent hot topics of the public

5.汉语教学、中医健康类选题与日常生活场景需求无关 Chinese teaching and Chinese medicine health topics are completely unrelated to the needs of daily life scenes

6.音乐、文化类选题难以引发当地人兴趣 Music and cultural topics does not attract the attention of local people.

7.选题不符合核查社交账号定位 The selected topic does not match the positioning of the checked social media account.

内容 About Content

1.存在人物、时间、地点、数据等信息错误 There are information errors about people, time, location, data, etc.

2.内容与官方机构发布的信息不一致 There is content that does not comply with the information issued by the official agency

3.内容与历史信息不符 There is content that does not match with the historical information

4.涉当地国内容与你所了解的不一致,给你造成了困惑 The content about the local country is not compitable with what you know, making you confused

5.有内容未公布信息源,导致信息不透明、不可信 Some information sources are not disclosed, resulting in opaque and unreliable information

6.有信息引用了不具权威性的信息源(如未经核实的网络贴文),导致内容说服力不强 Some information cited unreliable sources of information (such as unverified online posts), making the content not persuasive

7.存在难以理解的专有名词 There are some special nouns that you don’t understand

8.内容缺乏一定的背景介绍 The content lacks some background information

9.有的内容未跟当地国情况结合起来,当地受众难以理解 Some content is strange and new, but is not told in local context, and is difficult for the local audience to understand

10.有的内容仅介绍争执双方中一方立场,没有介绍另一方立场 Some content is biased that only presents the views/positions of one party in the dispute, and does not display the views/positions of the opposition party

11.有的内容仅给出结论或观点,没有说明具体事实依据 Some contents only give conclusions or opinions without specific or factual evidence

12.有内容报道为即将发生,而实际已经发生 There is content that is reported to be happening but has actually happened

13.新闻报道未介绍当下最新进展 News reports do not cover current developments

14.新闻报道未涵盖新闻相关各方声音,如只介绍官方政策,未提及民众反应 News report does not cover the voices of all parties involved in the news. Such as it only tells an official policy, but does not mention the public’s reaction

15.有的新闻未涵盖完整的新闻要素(时间、地点、人物、事件),致使事件模糊 Some news did not cover the complete news elements (time, place, people, events), making the news event ambiguous

16.汉语教学类节目未介绍具体使用场景及注意事项 Chinese teaching programs do not provide specific scenes to be used nor issues the do’s and don’ts

17.美食、中医类节目提到的食材、器具在当地难以获得 It is difficult to get the food ingredients and utensils mentioned in food and Chinese medicine programs in local areas

18.美食、中医类节目未介绍相应食材、器具的获取渠道 The programs of food and traditional Chinese medicine do not introduce the channels of obtaining relevant food ingredients and utensils

19.美食、中医类节目未提醒实际操作中可能会存在的危险 Food and Chinese medicine programs do not warn of potential risks during practice

20.存在同一帖文重复多次发布问题 There is a problem of repeatedly posting the same post

编辑 About Editing

文字 Wording

1.存在拼写错误 There are spelling errors

2.存在语法错误 There are gramartical mistakes

3.标点符号使用不规范 There are wrong punctuation

可视化 Visualization

1.图片、视频等与帖文文字内容不匹配 Pictures, videos, etc. do not match the post text

2.字版、图版、地图等辅助手段存在信息错误 There are wrong information in font board, charts and maps, etc.

3.使用资料画面时,未注明来源 When using the data, the source of data is not indicated

4.图片颜色和字体颜色色差不明显,导致文字信息难以辨认 The color difference between the picture and the text is not obvious, making the text information difficult to recognize

字幕 About Subtitles

1.字幕存在拼写错误 There are spelling errors in the subtitles

2.字幕存在语法或格式不规范问题 Subtitles have gramatical mistakes or non-standard format

3.存在字幕误上问题,如标题误上;嘉宾、记者、主持人身份误上等 Subtitles of the introduction or identity of guests, reporters, or hosts are incorrect or confusing

4.存在字幕遮挡或显示不完整问题 Subtitles are blocked or displayed incompletely

5.导语、字幕信息更新不及时 Lead language and subtitle information are not updated in time

6.存在缺失本地语言字幕或配音的情况 Local language subtitles or dubbing are missing

体验问题发现 Problem Finding

技术质量 About Technical Quality

1.存在无法播放的视频 There is a video that cannot be played

2.存在无法播放的音频 There is an audio that cannot be played

3.存在无法加载的图片 There is a picture that cannot be loaded

4.存在无法打开或打开错误的链接 There is a link that is opened with an error

5.作品格式错误:如视频作品实际显示却为图片 Incorrect format of a work: for example, a video is displayed as a picture

请在此具体说明问题表现并附上相关链接 Please specify the manifestation of the problem, and attach a link of its page here

页面设计 About Page Design

1.网站/客户端整体风格不一致 Overall style of the website/app is inconsistent

2.存在色彩搭配混乱问题 There is a problem of color confusion

3.网站/客户端logo或宣传语设计或位置不清楚、不突出 Design or location of the website/app logo or propaganda language is not clear or prominent

4.图片颜色和文字颜色色差不明显,致使文字信息难以辨认 The color difference between the picture and the text is not obvious, making the text information difficult to recognize

5.文字字体、字号、颜色、斜粗设计不合理,导致文字难以辨认 Type, size, color, style or weight of the font is unreasonable, making the word or text unable to recognize

6.广告位置、数量等设计不合理,影响用户正常阅读页面内容 Design in advertisement location, quantity, etc. is unreasonable, affecting users’ normal reading of the page content

易用性 About Usability

1.导航设置(主导航、下级页面导航、页面返回等)不清不楚,无法有效引导用户进行操作 Navigation settings (primary navigation, subordinate page navigation, page return, etc.) are unclear and cannot effectively give users guidance

2.版面布局(首页分栏、页面长度等)不够合理,不能方便快速阅览信息 Page layout (page column, page length, etc.) is not reasonable enough, which does not facilitate quick access to information

3.检索功能使用不方便 The retrieval function is not user-friendly

4.检索结果不够准确 Retrieval results are not accurate

5.往期内容查询功能有限,未涵盖全部资源 Query function of previous content is limited and does not cover all resources

6.各板块分类不明确、不清楚,无法通过板块名称知晓其主要内容 Classification of each segment is not clear and distinct, thus the main content can not be informed through the name of the segment

受众互动 About Users Interaction

1.邮箱、论坛、评论、分享等信息交换功能无法正常使用 Information exchange functions such as mailbox, BBS, comment, sharing, etc. cannot be used properly

2.用户信息收集(订阅、收藏、浏览量)功能无法正常使用 Function of collecting user information (subscribing, adding to favorites, pageviews, etc.) does not work properly

3.调查、投票、问卷等互动参与渠道无法正常使用 Interactive participation channels such as investigation, questionnaires, voting, etc. does not work properly

4.未告知受众参与互动的渠道 How to participate the interaction is not informed on the website/app

5.未履行互动承诺,如设置了抽奖或者投票等互动环节,但未在约定时间内公布获奖名单或者投票结果 The website/app does not fulfill its commitment. For example: it does not announce the results or the list of winners of a questionnaire, vote or lucky draw within the agreed time

6.互动话题与网站/客户端定位不符 The interactive topic does not match the positioning of the website/app

宣传推广 About Publicity and Promotion

1.在软件商店(Google Play、Apple Store等)无法很快搜索到核查客户端 It is not easy to find the checked app in an app store like google play or apple store

2.没有在网站/客户端上找到有关核查广播/电视的内容,如节目单、节目预告、或节目简介等 No content about the checked radio/television programs, such as program lists, schedule, profiles, is found on the website/app

3.核查网站/客户端未在显眼位置推荐其社交媒体帐号 The website/app does not recommend its social media account in a conspicuous position

广告(包括节目广告和商业广告)About Advertising (including program advertisements and commercial advertisements)

1.播出容易误导消费者的虚假广告 Broadcasting fake advertisements that can easily mislead consumers

2.广告内容具有诱导性,危害听众(尤其是青少年)的身心健康发展 The content of advertisements is seductive and harmful to the physical and mental health of the listeners, especially teenagers

3.广告内容亵渎或侵害中国和当地国两国文化和风俗 The advertising content defiles or violates the culture and customs of China or your country

4.播出中国或者当地法律法规禁止的广告 The content of advertisements are prohibited by Chinese or local laws and regulations

5.播出中国或者当地法律法规禁止的广告 The content of advertisements are prohibited by Chinese or local laws and regulations

6.广告中使用绝对化语言,容易欺骗和误导公众 The advertisements use absolute words which can easily deceive and mislead the public

7.药品、医疗器械、医疗和健康资讯类广告中含有宣传治愈率、有效率等词汇 Advertisements on medicines, medical devices, medical and health information contain words of cure rate, effective efficiency, etc

8.药品、医疗器械、医疗和健康资讯类广告中以医生、专家、患者、公众人物等形象做疗效证明 Advertisements on medicines, medical devices, medical and health information use the images of doctors, experts, patients, public figures, etc. to prove efficacy

9.投资咨询、金融理财和连锁加盟等具有投资性质的广告中,未设置“投资有风险”等警示内容 Advertisements on investment consulting, financial management, and franchise advertising, do not have cautionary content such as “investment is risky”

满意度 satisfaction

请填写以下关于网站/客户端满意度的问题 Please fill in the form in the following questions about your satisfaction with the checked website/app.

1.你印象最深刻的中国内容有哪些?请说明理由。What are the most impressive Chinese contents after browsing the website/app.? Please specify the reason.

请在此处作答 Please give your answer here

2.你印象最深刻的当地国内容有哪些?请说明理由。What are the most impressive local contents after browsing the website/app.? Please specify the reason.

请在此处作答 Please give your answer here

3.你印象最深刻的其他内容有哪些?请说明理由。What other contents have impressed you most? Please specify the reason.

请在此处作答 Please give your answer here

4.你认为核查网站/客户端整体质量如何?给你带来了什么收获?How do you like the overall quality of the checked website/app.? What did you get from it?

请在此处作答 Please give your answer here

5.对比你所在地区的同类型网站/客户端,你觉得核查网站/客户端的亮点是什么?Compared with similar websites/apps in your area, what do you think are the highlights of the website/app. you checked today?

请在此处作答 Please give your answer here

6.对比你所在地区的同类型网站/客户端,你觉得核查网站/客户端有何不足?可以如何改进?Compared with similar websites/apps in your area, what shortcomings do you find in checking the website/app.? How can it be improved?

请在此处作答 Please give your answer here


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